Thank you to all Members, Partners and Guests who attended our AGM!
We were pleased so many of you were able to join us at our Annual General Meeting. Where our Trustee’s shared our strategy for the future, an overview of our work from the previous year and gave details on the Mechanics’ Institution & Cricketers.
We also had presentations and updates from speakers on our new Membership System, an overview of the Heritage Action Zone project and the Health Hydro.
If you missed our Annual General Meeting we have summarised updates and changes below:
The formal meeting commenced at 12:00pm. The board delivered the previous minutes, the financial reports and Trust accounts, the Chairman’s report and other business.
Changes to the board of Trustees
Members formally voted Alan Wrixon, Angela Atkinson and Dr Cassie Newland in as Charity Trustees after supporting the board as co-opted Trustees. Members also formally voted for the retirement and re-election of Sally Cole and Helen George as Charity Trustees.
Bob Wright has been re-elected as Chair of Swindon Heritage Preservation in the interim, while the board seeks to appoint a new chair.
Chairman’s Report
Bob Wright presented his report highlighting the tough time all charities are currently facing, the positive work taken by SHP in helping to bring us closer to our goal of a renovated Mechanics’ Institute and shared details of our new Strategic Plan.
“As a town, we are in the best position we have been in to acquire and restore the Mechanics’ Institution” – Bob Wright, Chair of SHP
Progress on the Cricketers building restoration project was shared to Members, highlighting the progress that has been made during it’s first and second phases as these are nearly complete.
Following the formal meeting, there were a number of presentations:
Your SHP Membership by Charlie Long (Digital Engagement Assistant Volunteer) shared an overview of Swindon Heritage Preservation’s new Membership System. Including new changes and the reasons why these were made. You can read more about our new Membership System here.
Heritage Action Zone Project Debrief by Karen Phiminster (HAZ Project Officer) shared an overview of the now completed HAZ project. Karen also highlighted the role the HAZ and the Railway Village takes within the ‘Heart of Swindon’ document. You can read the document from Swindon Borough Council here.
“It takes a Railway Village to deliver a Heritage Action Zone” – Karen Phiminster, HAZ Project Officer
Health Hydro Update from the Friends by Andrea Christmas (member of Friends of the Health Hydro Group). Shared an overview of the progress made within the restoration works happening at the Health Hydro. Andrea also emphasised the need to reinstate the small pool within the Health Hydro and invited attendees to join their petition. You can read more and sign their ePetition here.

Swindon Heritage Preservation would like to thanks it dedicated team of Trustees, Staff and Volunteers. Who all helped to make our 2024 Annual General Meeting a success.